Contents covered
purpose of azure advisor
azure service health
azure monitor, including azure log analytics, azure monitor alerts, application insights
Azure Advisor
Evaluates your azure resoruces and makes recommendations to help improve reliability, security and performance, achieve operational excellence and reduce costs.
The recommendation are available via the azure portal and API, and you can set up notification to alert you to new recommendations.
The recommendations are divided into 5 categories
used to ensure and improve the continuity of business critical applications
detect threats and vulnerabilitites that might lead to security breaches
improve the speed of applications
Operational Excellence
help you achieve process and workflow efficiency, resource manageability and deployment best practices.
optimize and reduce your overall azure spending
Azure Service Health
It helps you keep track of azure resources, both your specifically deployed resources and the overall status of azure.
Azure service health does this by combining three different azure services
Azure status
broad picture of the status of azure globally
informs you the service outages in azure on the azure status page
This page is view of the health og all azure services across all azure regions.
Service health
provides narrow view of azure services and regions.
this is the place to look for service impacting communications about outages, planned maintenance activities and other health advisories because the authenticated service health experience knows which services and resources you currently use.
Resource Health
Tailored view of your actual azure resources.
provides information about the health of your individual cloud resources, such as a specific VM instance.
Historical alerts are also stored and are accessible for later review
Azure Monitor
Platform for collecting data on your resources, analyzing that data, visualizing the information and even acting on the results. Azure Monitor can monitor azure resources, your on-premises resources and even multi cloud resources like VMs hosted with a different cloud provider.
Azure log analytics
Tool in the azure portal where you will write and run log queries on the data gathered by azure monitor. Log analytics is a robust tool that supports both simple and complex queries and data analysis
Azure monitor alerts
Is an automated way to stay informed when azure monitor detects a threshold being crossed. You sent the alert conditions, the notification actions, and then azure monitor alerts notifies when an alert is triggers. Depending on your configuration, azure monitor alerts can also attempt corrective action
Application Insights
Is an azure monitor feature, monitors your web applications. Application Insights is capable of monitoring applications that are running in azure, on-premises or in a different cloud environment.
You can either install an SDK in your application or you can use the application insights agent. The application agent is supported in C#, .NET, VB.NET, Java, JS, NodeJS, Python.
Once application insight is up and running, you can use it to monitor
Request rates, response times, failure rates
Dependency rates, response times and failure rates to show whether external services are slowing down performance
Page views and load performance reported by users browsers
AJAX calls from web pages, including rates, response times, and failure rates.
User and session counts
Performance counters from windows or linux server machinesm such as CPU, memory, network usage etc.
Last updated