Azure App Service
IaaS vs PaaS
IaaS -> Infrastructure as a Service
User have control over
Data in the applications
Runtime Environment
OS of the machine
PaaS -> Platform as a Service
User have control over
Applications and Data inside the applications
In Azure one example of PaaS is App Service, which is used to create and deploy web or mobile applications for any platform or devices on cloud environment
App Service is an abstraction on top of the Virtual Machine
Create a Azure web app
Based on the runtime stack that you use, the depending operating system is set for user
Some runtime stack have cross-platform support and some have only support for linux and some for only windows
App Service Plan
App Service plan pricing tier determines the location, features, cost and compute resources associated with your app.
The command
get-command <RegexSearchForKeyWord>
will display all the azure commands that you can use in the azure cloud, this command works in powershell
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