Contents covered
Create application settings that are bound to deployment slots
Explain the options for installing SSL/TLS certificates for your app
Enable diagnostic logging for you app to aid in monitoring and debugging
create virtual app to directory mappings
Configure application settings
In app service, app settings are variables passed as environment variables to your application code.
Application settings can be accessed by navigating to your app's management page and selecting Configuration > Application Settings. App settings
App settings are always encrypted when stored(encrypted-at-rest)
Adding and editing settings
In a default Linux container any nested JSON key structure in the app setting name like
needs to be configured in App service asApplicationInsights__InstrumentationKey
for the key name. In other words, any ":" should be replaced by "__" (double underscore)
Editing application settings in bulk
For editing multiple settings at once, add all the values in a json file and under the configuration settings, click on advanced and upload this json file. Example json file
COnfigure connection strings
For ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core developers, the values you set in App service override the ones in Web.config file. For other language stacks, its better to use app settings instead, because connection strings require special formatting in the variable keys in order to access the values.
Connection strings are also always encrypted when stored(encryption-at-rest)
There is one case where you may want to use connection strings instead of app settings for non-.NET languages: certain Azure database types are backed up along with the app only if you configure a connection string for the database in your App Service app.
Configure general settings
In the Configuration > General settings section you can configure some common settings for your app. Some settings require you to scale up to higher pricing tiers.
Some settings and description
Stack settings : The software stack to run the app, including the language and SDK
Platform settings :
Bitness: OS 32/64-bit
WebSocket protocol
Always on: keep the app loaded even when there is no incoming traffic. By default, this is disabled and the app is unloaded after 20 minutes without any incoming requests. It is required for continuous WebJobs or for WebJobs that are triggered using CRON expression
Managed pipeline version: The IIS pipeline mode. Set it to Classic if you have a legacy app that requires an older version of IIS
HTTP version: http version for communication
ARR affinity: In a multi-instance deployment, ensure that the client is routed to the same instance for the life of the session. You can set this option to Off for stateless applications.
Debugging: Enable remote debuggin for ASP.NET or NodeJs apps. This option turns off automatically after 48hrs
Incoming client certificates: Require client certificates in manual authentication. TLS mutual authentication is used to restrict access to your app by enabling different types of authentication for it.
Configure Path Mappings
In the Configuration > Path mappings section you can configure handler mappings, and virtual application and directory mappings. The Path mappings page displays different options based on the OS type.
Windows apps (uncontainerized)
Handler mappings let you add custom script processors to handle requests for specific file extensions.
To add a custom handler, select New handler and configure the handler
Extension: the file extension you want to handle, such as .php or handler.fcgi
Script processor: the abslute path of the script processor. Requests to files that match the file extension are processed by the script processor
Arguments: optional CLI arguments for the script processor.
Each app has a default root path mapped to D:\home\site\wwwroot
, where your code is deployed by default.
If you app root is in a different folder or if your repository has more than one application, you can edit or add virtual applications and directories.
You can configure virtual applications and directories by specifying each virtual directory and its corresponding physical path relative to the website root(D:\home
To mark a virtual directory as a web application, clear the Directory checkbox
Linux and containerized apps
You can add custom storage for your containerized app
select New Azure Storage Mount and configure your custom storage with following properties
Name: the display name
Configuration options: Basic or advanced
Storage accounts: The storage account with the container you want
Storage type: Azure Blobs or Azure files. Windows container apps only support Azure files.
Storage container: For basic configuration, the container you want
Share name: for advanced configuration, the file share name
Access key: the access key
Mount path: the absolute path in your container to mount the custom storage.
Enable Diagnostic logging
There are built-in diagnostics to assist with debugging an App Service app
The following table shows the types of logging and description
Application Logging
Windows, Linux
App service file system or Azure storage blobs
Logs messages generated by your application code
Web server logging
App service file system or Azure storage blobs
Raw HTTP request data in W3C extended log file format. Each log message includes data like the HTTP method, resource URI, client IP, client port, user agent, response code, and so on.
Detailed error logging
App service file system
Copies of the .html error pages that would have been sent to client browser.
Failed request tracing
App service file system
detailed tracing information on failed requests, including a trace of the IIS components used to process the request and the time taken in each component.
Deployment Logging
Windows, Linux
App service file system
Helps determine why a deployment failed. Deployment logging happens automatically and there are no configurable settings for deployment logging.
If you regenerate your storage account's access keys, you must reset the respective logging configuration to use the updated access keys. To do this turn the logging feature off and then on again
The Filesystem options for logging is temporary debugging purposes and turns itself off in 12hrs
The Blob option is for long-term loggin and needs a blob storage container to write logs into.
In App Service Logs option in nav bar, you have option to windows/linux related logging options to select and configure which are quite straight-forward
Stream Logs
Before you stream logs in real time, enable the log type that you want. Any information written to files ending in .txt, .log or .htm that are stored in the /LogFiles
directory (D:\home\logfiles
) is streamed by App Service.
Some types of logging buffer write to the log file, which can result in out of order events in the stream. For example, the application log entry that occurs when a user visits a page may be displayed in the stream before the corresponding HTTP log entry for the request page.
In Azure portal, to stream logs in the Azure portal, naviage to your app and select Log stream
In Azure CLI, to stream logs live in cloud shell, run the command
Access log files
If you configure the azure storage blobs option for log type, you need a client tool that works with azure storage.
For logs stored in the App Service file system, the easiest way is to download the ZIP file in the browser at
Linux containers :
Windows :
For linux container apps, the ZIP file contains the console logs output for both docker host and docker container.
Configure security certificates
Azure app service has tools that let you create, upload, import a private certificate or a public certificate into app service.
A certificate uploaded into an app is stored in a deployment unit that is bound to the app service plans resource group and region combination (internally called a webspace) This makes the certificate accessible to other apps in the same resource group and region combination.
Create a free app service managed certificate -> A private certificate thats free of charge and easy to use if you just need to secure your custom domain in app service.
Purchase an App Service certificate -> a private certificate thats managed by azure. It combines the simplicity of automated certificate management and the flexibility of renewal and export options.
Import a certificate from key valut -> useful if your use azure key valut to manage your certificates
Upload a private certificate -> if you already have a private certificate from a third-party provider, you can upload it.
Upload a public certificate -> public certificates arent used to secure custom domains, but you can load them into your code if you need them to access remote resources.
Last updated