Configure RBAC
identify features and use cases for RBAC
list and create role definitions
create role assignments
identity differences between azure RBAC and microsoft entra roles
manage access to subscriptions with RBAC
review built-in azure RBAC roles
RBAC is a mechanism that can help you manage who can access your azure resources. RBAC lets you determine what operations specific users can do on specific resources and control what areas of a resource each user can access.
Things to know about azure rbac
allow an application to access all resources in a resource group
allow one user to manage VMs in a subscription and allow another user to manage virtual networks
allow a database administrator group to manage SQL dbs in a subscription
allow a user to manage all resources in a resource group such as VMs , websites etc..
Security principal
An object that represents something that requests access to resources.
User, group, service principal, managed identity
Role definition
A set of permissions that lists the allowed operations. Azure RBAC comes with built-in role definitions, but you can also create your own custom role definitions.
Some built-in role definitions: Reader, Contributor, Owner, User Access Administrator
The boundary for the requested level of access, or "how much" access is granted.
Management group, subscription, resource group, resource
An assignment attaches a role definition to a security principal at a particular scope. Users can grant the access described in a role definition by creating (attaching) an assignment for the role.
- Assign the User Access Administrator role to an admin group scoped to a management group - Assign the Contributor role to a user scoped to a subscription
Role definition
Role definition consists of sets of permissions that are defined in a JSON file, Each permission set has a name such as Actions or NotActions that describe the permissions.
Azure RBAC provides built-in roles and permissions sets. You can also create custom roles and permissions
The Owner built-in role has the highest level of access privilege in Azure
The system subtracts NotActions permissions from Actions permissions to determine the effective permissions for a role
The AssignableScopes permissions for a role can be management groups, subscriptions, resource groups or resources.
Role Assignment
A role assignment is the process of scoping a role definition to limit permissions for a requestor, such as group, user, service principal or managed identity
The purpose of a role assignment is to control access
The scope limits which permissions defined for a role are available for the assigned requestor
Access is revoked by removing a role assignment
a resource inherits role assignments from its parent resource
The effective permissions for a requestor are a combination of the permissions for the requestors assigned roles and the permissions for the roles assigned to the requested resources.
Azure Roles vs Microsoft Entra roles
Three types of roles are available for access management in Azure
Class subscription administrator roles
Azure RBAC roles
Microsoft Entra administrator roles
Azure RBAC is authorization system that provides fine-grained access management to Azure resources.
Microsoft Entra admin roles: are used to manage resources in entra ID, such as users, groups, and domains. These roles are defined for Entra tenant at the root level of the configuration
Azure RBAC roles provide more granular access management for azure resources. These roles are defined for a requestor or resource and can be applied at multiple levels, the root, management groups subscriptions, resource groups, or resources
Azure RBAC fundamental roles
Owner => has full access to all resources, including right to delegate access to others
Contributor => can create and manage all types of azure resources. This role cant grant access to others
Reader => can view existing azure resources
User Access Administrator=> can manage user access to azure resources
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