Auto-scaling enables a system to adjust the resources required to meet the varying demand from users, while controlling the costs associated with these resources.
You can use auto-scaling with many azure services, including web applications. Auto-scaling requires you to configure autoscale rules that specify the conditions under which resources should be added or removed.
Contents covered:
Identify scenarios for which auto-scaling is an appropriate solution
create auto-scaling rules for a web app
monitor the effects of autoscaling
Examine Autoscale factors
Autosacling can be triggered according to a schedule, or by assessing whether the system is running short on resuorces.
What is autoscaling?
Autoscaling is a cloud system or process that adjust available resources based on the current demand. Autoscaling performs scaling in and out as opposed to scaling up and down.
Azure app service autoscaling
Autoscaling doesnt have any effect on the CPU power, memory or storage capacity of the web servers powering the app, it only changes the number of web servers.
Autoscaling rules
A rule specifies the threshold for a metric, and triggers an autoscale event when this threashold is crossed. Autoscaling can also deallocate resources when the workload has diminished.
When should you consider autoscaling?
Autoscaling isnt the best approach to handling long term growth. You might have a web app that starts with a few users, but increases in popularity over time. Autoscaling has an overhead associated with monitoring resources and determining whether to trigger a scaling event. In this scenario, if you can anticipate the rate of growth, manually scaling the system over time may be a more cost effective approach.
Identify autoscale factors
Effective autoscaling ensures sufficient resources are available to handle large volumes of requests at peak time, while managing costs when the demand drops.
Autoscaling related to service plan
To prevent runaway autoscaling, an app service plan has an instance limit. Plans in more expensive tier have a higher limit. Autoscaling cant create more than this limit.
Autoscale conditions
You can indicate how to autoscale by creating autoscale conditions. Azure provides two options for autoscaling
Scale based on metric, such as length of disk queue, number of HTTP requests awaiting processing
Scale to be specific instance count according to a schedule.
You can also combine metric and schedule-based autoscaling in the same autoscale condition. You can create multiple autoscale conditions to handle different schedules and metrics.
An app service plan also has a default condition that is used if none of the other conditions are applicable. This condition is always active and doesnt have a schedule.
Metrics for autoscale rules
Metrics that you as a app service user can monitor are
CPU percentage usage
Memory percentage
Disk Queue Length
HTTP Queue length
Data in
Data out
How an autoscale rule analyzes metrics
Autoscaling works by analyzing trends in metric values over time across all instances. Analysis is a multi-step process
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Autoscale actions
An autoscale action can be scale-in or scale-out
An autoscale action uses an operator ( >, <, =, != etc..) to determine how to react to the threshold.
An autoscale action has a cool down period, specified in minutes. During this interval, the scale rule wont be triggered again. This is to allow the system to atabilize between autoscale events. This minimum cool down period is 5 minutes.
Pairing autoscale rules
It is recommended to define scaling rules for both scale-in and scale-out possibilities.
Combining autoscale rules
A single autoscale rule can contain multiple autoscale rules. However the autoscale condition dont have to be directly related. When determining whether to scale out, the autoscale action is performed if any of the scale-out rules are met and similarlly the same applies to scale in rules.
Enable autoscale in App Service
By default, an App Service Plan only implements manual scaling. Selecting Custom autoscale reveals condition groups you can use to manage your scale settings.
Add scaling condition in web portal
create scale rules
Monitor autoscaling activity
Explore autoscale best practices
Ensure the max and min values are different and have an adequate margin between them
Choose the appropriate statistic for your diagnostics metric
Choose the thresholds carefully for all metric types
Always select a safe default instance count
Configure autoscale notifications
You can also use an activity log alert to monitor the health of the autoscale engine. In addition to using activity log alerts, you can also configure email or webhook notifications to get notified for successful scale actions via the notifications tab on the autoscale setting.
Last updated